The world is a f*cking prison and we are all pretending it’s normal

2 months ago 36

We're all trapped in this massive prison called "society" and everyone's acting like it's perfectly fine. Nobody asked to be born into this bullsh*t, yet here we are, forced to play by rules we never agreed to.

Think about it - we HAVE to work to simply exist. We have to pay taxes on money we earned by selling our time. We can't even act how we truly want without being labeled as "mentally ill" or "unstable." Want to opt out? Oh, you must be "depresed." Need "help." F*ck that.

The real insanity is how everyone just accepts this. School trains you to be a good little worker. Family pressures you to "fit in." Jobs demand you to conform to their culture. Every single institution is designed to keep us in line, to make us predictable, to strip away any real individuality.

You know who the only truly free people are? The "crazy" ones on the street who've completely checked out of this system, and the dead. Dark but true. Everyone else is just playing pretend, convincing themselves they're "free" while living in chains they chose to ignore.

I can't even feel normal emotions anymore - or maybe I feel everything too intensely because I see through all this bullsht. It's like being both numb and hypersensitive to how fcked up everything is.

There's no real freedom as long as we exist in this world. We're all just prisoners pretending we're not in a cage. The only choices we have are the ones our captors allow us to make.

Anyone else feel like they're suffocating in this "normal" everyone keeps shoving down our throats?

submitted by /u/King1035
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