The timeline of Charles Johnson's _Middle Passage_?

2 months ago 28

I have just finished reading Middle Passage, and I am struggling to make sense of the timeline. I'm not sure I've got the timeline down in terms of the narrative, nor of how the narrative timeline interacts with the log entry timeline, nor of the broader significance of time in the novel. Here is what I've got, with page citations from the Scribner 1998 paperback, with log entries ***:

May 23, 1829 – Chandler’s generosity (109)

1829 – Arrives in New Orleans (1)

~March 14 – Falcon meeting with the financiers (148)

~April 13 – confrontation with Papa, Isadora

April 14 – leaving Louisiana (1)

April 15 – found on board & meeting everyone (22)

~? ? – expected landing in Africa (42)

May 25 – Arrive in Bangalong (44)

~May 27 – goes ashore (59)

May 30 – headed home (71)

June 12 – Ngonyama’s warned date (83)

Including discussion with Falcon

Mutiny around here

June 13 night – calm sea (139)

June 13 night – interview with Falcon (seventh entry)

Asks him to keep the log (146)

June 14 – weather turned squally (71)

*** June 14 – first entry (1-21)

June 19/20 – cringle catches squibb stealing rations (175)

*** June 20 – second entry (22-43)

“months later after mutiny and death” (27)

*** June 23 – third entry (44-70)

Revisiting the break-in? (48)

A “day-old notation of the plot” (52)

~June 28 – two weeks of being steered by stars (152)

Is this when he descends to visit the God? (166-167)

*** June 28 – fourth entry (71-99)

*** June 30 – fifth entry (100-119)

Continued discussion of Falcon conversation from the fourth entry

July 1 – awakens from confronting the God (172)

Spotted a ship (172)

July 2/3 – in and out of consciousness (around 178)

July 3 – storm as cover (182), and looking for the boats

And the boat sinks

This is near Guadalupe (200) — how so fast back?!

*** July 3 – sixth entry (120-141)

*** July 3, same day – seventh (142-167)

Why two entries?

July 3 / 4 – rescued, recuperates for a few days (186)

Near the British Virgin Islands, south of Puerto Rico

July 18 – excuses to stay in cabin through this day (188)

Writing each evening, furiously and without direction (189)

July 17 - Baleka calls him out (190)

confrontation with papa (193)

“playing with dates” (200)

*** August 1 – eighth (168-184)

*** August 20 – ninth (185-209)

I looked around for secondary materials, either just to get the facts down or to get a discussion of significance, and I wasn't finding much. If anyone has thoughts or pointers, I'd greatly appreciate them! It seems to me that the two overlapping narratives—the primary events and the writing events—is likely of interesting significance!

(This is not homework! I am reading and thinking about Middle Passage on my own time.)

submitted by /u/crank12345
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