The real reason Trump is going after Greenland

3 weeks ago 61

I know plenty of people think it's about trolling and negotiations, and there is some truth to that.

Trump is part of the new world order and the elite want to reduce the number of places they have to monitor. This is the same reason Putin went into Ukraine even against treaties that had already been in place for years.

Once in office Trump will go after Greenland by any means possible because of what he has to do on the other side of the planet. he has promised Ukraine to Russia and has to deliver on this. He doesn't want a war with another country. If Russia get Ukraine, then China will be given Taiwan. Trump will sanction China, but not stop it from happening. same way Obama, Biden, and Trump have all sanctioned Russia but not stopped them.

In exchange for not stopping Russia or China, they will promise not to stop the US from taking Greenland. The EU will be forced to play along because if they went to war with the US over it (trade or combat) then Russia and China would have advantages of the EU.

At that point Canada will be surrounded by the US and have to become more dependent on them.

This also benefits Russia and the US as it reduces the number of countries who have claim to the north pole and what's under it.

All of this helps to form 4 world superpowers at the same time. US (Greenland,Israel, and Canada), Russia(Ukraine, Georgia, and probably other territories soon), China (Taiwan, north korea, mongolia but split with Russia most likely, laos, cambodia, vietnam), and the EU with a small amount of overseas terroritories.

Russia with control of Ukraine will then reinstate the title of tsar but remain a 'democracy.'

Beyond that things are a little harder to see as their interests in power and control will start to conflict. Especially as the middle east would be forced to fold to the powers or choose to unite and try and create their own superpower to maintain their control over oil and slaves.

EDIT: In case it's not obvious, control over these territories assist in the next critical resources of food production and water.

submitted by /u/theantagonists
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