The Only Thing They Fear... Is Us

3 months ago 64

All major western politicians, bureaucrats, royalty, bankers, shareholders, and corporate overlords are engaged in human sacrifice/pedophile cults. This is why nothing came of the Epstein/Dutroux investigations. Many western governments would need entirely new governments overnight.

They know that inflation (currency devaluation), stagnant wages, and mass migration (govt subsidized slaves) to pad GDP numbers will lead to a revolt where the rich and powerful will lose power. If this happens, their crimes and corruption will be exposed on a very large scale. There will not be a safe place for them on earth.

Their solution to this is world war 3 and a nuclear exchange. They are trying to achieve this by proxy using Eastern Europe and the Middle east so they can at least have plausible deniability for killing billions of people.

The reason for all the recent sightings of UFO's is because the aliens want to watch the show. It's because the show is about to start. They aren't going to stop what is coming. Many would like to believe that they would, but it isn't gonna happen.

They only thing they fear is us. We are the inevitable enemy of our dear globalist overlords, and they have the great equalizer known as nuclear weapons.

Rip and tear until it is done.

I had to leave a doom reference.

submitted by /u/Derrickhand106
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