The globalists are a death cult. Their religious beliefs incline them to believe it is moral to cause human extinction. They are actively working toward this goal.

3 months ago 41

The globalist NWO is attempting to guide the world toward one world communist government. This is combined with and supported by their one world religion. I am sure many of you have been seeing posts in recent times flooding reddit with their beliefs.

We have also been seeing significant uptick in human depopulation culture. It is seemingly intangible, disorganized and unrelated. This has been pushed by them into our culture. Their ultimate goal is total extinction of all humanity, including themselves. I will point out a handful of their beliefs that encapsulate the motivations behind why the globalists are pushing not just human depopulation, but covertly driving us toward human extinction.

  1. There is a spark of the divine source contained within us. We are tiny fractured parts of the greater consciousness of the universe. We are small fractured pieces of God.

  2. Our purpose is to join all humanity in oneness with the source. To reassemble the wholeness of God, as God is currently fractured.

  3. Material existence is a prison restraining us from unity with God.

  4. Humanity is trapped in reincarnation cycles. We are born, we live, and we die only to repeat the cycle over and over, perpetuating the fractured nature of God.

As material existence is a prison, genocide is a moral act of liberation. It is returning the prisoner to unity with the divine source for a time before reincarnation, when it is returned to prison. So long as there are humans able to reproduce, the reincarnation cycle continues. So for all humanity to be liberated from this prison, humanity must be brought to extinction. When extinction is achieved, the reincarnation cycle is severed and finally brought to an end and humans will enjoy eternal liberation from the prison of material existence and disunity with God.

They are not driven by mere greed or hunger for power. Their power and wealth is a means to an end. They are not trying to reduce the population so they can hoard for themselves the benefits of a techno-utopia. No. The goal is total extinction so they can escape the reincarnation cycle and free themselves from the prison of material existence and reside eternally in unity with the divine source. It is not enough for them to just take their own lives. You existing and reproducing means they will one day be reincarnated into the prison in your bloodline. So they have to get rid of us, too. All of us.

submitted by /u/whippingboy4eva
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