This is purely a rant, but a rant that has to do with my mental health.
I've always been the go-getter. The one everyone complimented because I have (or I guess had) a drive that everyone wanted. I've always had a plan, always been looking for opportunities to better myself. The one who's always been the one to provide advice and motivate others when they're down and out.
This week I believe I've actually been defeated mentally by life. Sure yes our countrys leader doing some shit thats causing panic, fear and chaos nationwide but that's not what drove this feeling, it isn't helping, but it isn't the driver.
I just have no desire anymore. I don't have that strong drive to keep pushing and pushing anymore. This year of course like many I was optimistic about taking the next step in my career and life and already by today it just seems I've been hitting roadblock after roadblock and getting more unfortunate news than good. The part that is hard is, I've always been the one others come to when they're down and out and looking at those who have, they're not exactly in a good place right now either so I can't exactly reach out. Before people get wild here, no I'm not having those thoughts so don't think that. I'm just feeling defeated, like truly experiencing what it's like to keep trying and it's either not good enough or I get told no.
Just needed to let this out, appreciate anyone reading it
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