The ending of 'Seeing' by Jose Saramago

2 months ago 30

So I just finished reading 'Seeing' by Jose Saramago. I really enjoyed it. It didn't pack as much of a punch as 'Blindness' but it had great satire and was a well written political dystopian novel.

That being said, the ending has me a bit thrown. The police superintendent being killed made sense to me. It always felt like he was a bit of a dead man walking after going against the interior minister.

However, the doctor's wife being killed has had me scratching my head. I read 'Blindness' only 6-7 weeks before reading 'Seeing' and going with the doctor's wife through that entire ordeal was so harrowing and she was so resilient in the first novel that Saramago rushing to kill her at the end of 'Seeing' felt unearned.

I have thought about it for a few days and I don't know what message Saramago was trying to send by her assassination. Saramago is very deliberate in his writing so I has to mean something but I really can't draw a definitive conclusion.

If you've read both novels, what do you think?

submitted by /u/Nervous_Carpenter_71
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