Taking a big step in life

2 months ago 30

Hi I'll be 24 years old next month and I've taken the decision of going abroad for work after March next year. This is a big decision for me cuz I'm an introvert who has social anxiety and I can't talk to strangers easily. I think am having an anxiety disorder because of how life has turned out to be. I'm neither happy nor sad. I'm just living. I've been in relationships but neither worked out well. First one was with my crush but we broke up cuz we used to argue a lot and it happened a lot. After 7 years I got into a relationship with a girl but her family was against me but she gave me hope that she'll be there for me and after a month she said her goodbye. After that I became afraid to approach any girl. I don't know how to talk to them either on social media or irl.

I couldn't finish college due to family issues. After working 5 years at someone's personal backpack business who sells it on shopping websites and literally having no savings I decided to go abroad for work.

It really is a big decision for me as I have to leave my homeland, my family and the place I literally have been on since my birth.

I felt like sharing this. I don't know I feel like I'm lost.

submitted by /u/Otaku_Stan
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