Stuck in two minds, hopeless and lost.

1 month ago 44

Currently within university and all it’s taught me is how I’ll never really be good enough to get a job in the industry I’m studying. Any happiness or excitement I had towards what I was studying has almost disappeared completely.

I have very few friends who are often too busy to see me or don’t speak to me often, I don’t really have a family so don’t have much support in that sense. My parents are lovely, but emotionally unstable and reactive to most things, things were turbulent when I was growing up with them, so I have often kept a lot of my emotions and true feelings away from them.

Deep down I want to start a family. That’s all I’ve ever truly and consistently dreamt of ever since I was young. The thought of holding a baby and giving them all the love in the world, raising them and watching them grow, it’s one of the only thoughts that give me any warmth in my heart. My life now in comparison to those dreams feels purposeless and bleak.

I understand how difficult, emotionally and financially draining raising children is. A couple of my friends are mothers, I’ve seen them at their best and worst. I know it’s not going to be a walk in the park, it’s tough being a parent. Despite in knowing that, and having seen those tough times myself, having had experience in childcare previously and seeing the issues that can arise, it’s still the only thing that I ever envision myself being happy doing.

Finishing university and getting my degree, it feels like accomplishing the goals my parents have for me. I didn’t want to go into further education that much, but my parents would urge me to apply saying it would open a world of possibilities for me. Since joining I’ve felt my world get smaller and sadder, even though it is a subject I adore and have always been fascinated in, I don’t think it’s right for me.

It feels bad saying that, it sounds ungrateful and crappy. But it’s how I truly feel. If I drop out to start a family with my partner, I’ll feel relieved in a sense that I don’t feel like I’m doing something that was never truly my idea. In another sense, I’ll feel like I’m closing a chapter that could have potentially led to me getting a career in something I love. But the possibility is never always there. Many people get a degree, go on to do a masters, and end up working in a field they didn’t study for in the first place. Many people drop out and end up doing really well for themselves.

I’ve never seen myself being rich, or working in a high flying career. Never wanted loads of money or a big house or a fancy car on the drive. But I’ve always wanted a fairly comfortable life, doing a job that I can get on with and pays the bills, have a bit of money for a nice day out here or there, a happy dog with a waggy tail and a baby (or two). Just a proper little family life. I don’t mean to sound like one of those trad wife people, because I’m not. I believe that women should be able to do whatever they want, whether that’s living a fast paced go getting lifestyle or a laid back slow paced life, or, if they choose, a family life. For me, I’ve always wanted to be a mum. I really do see being a mother to a loving family as the dream for me.

If I choose to finish my degree, I feel like I would have wasted time I could of been starting a family and actually doing what I want to do deep down.

If I choose to start a family, there’s the judgement of others saying I threw it all away. That I could have waited a bit longer. But I’m so so tired of waiting. The longer I wait for my longing to be a mother, the more my heart aches and my life feels emptier and emptier. I’m tired of feeling so empty.

It’s like whatever I choose I’ll feel like a failure in some sense. Deflated with a degree, or making a start on my own happiness but letting my parents, and I guess in a sense myself, down.

I just wish that things could be easier for me, stuck in two minds and not a clue on what I should do. Whatever choice I make, will it ever be the right one?

submitted by /u/Obvious-Ship-6230
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