Soon to be a new grad rn

2 months ago 122

Hello! 23F, hardworking, and driven to reach my goals. Also want to put in I am extremely attractive. I get told I am so pretty all the time but recently I been getting put down a lot because I write really bad. My confidence is low rn. My teachers say my grammar is bad. Reddit nurses said my cover letter is bad grammar, spelling, and more. I love writing tho. I may not be good but I do want to get good at it. My teacher said if I want to continue my education I will need to work hard and get a tutor for writing or go to writing classes. I am fine with that if I chose NP school in two years. But I am also not the best in speaking. I have speech problems when I am nervous.

I feel like I have ADHD, dyslexia and prob on the spectrum for being autistic. I always had trouble in school and had to work extra hard. Sadly I am embarrass how I speak. I want to be a OR nurse but scared I’ll be judge by doctors for how I speak. I still will be a OR nurse. But I’m looking into speech therapy. I hate that I feel dumb. I do get good test scores when I study and apply but I need help with my confidence. Any thoughts on this??? Anyone had felt like this? Any life advice to bring my confidence back up?

submitted by /u/Salt-Lingonberry-780
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