Someone rated Huckleberry Finn 2 stars…. 🫥

1 month ago 92

I was excited to hear in a YouTube for kids video about Mark Twain and then got excited to have my son read Huck Finn. Mind you that my son was born and raised in Mexico to American parents, so any chance to pass on American history and literary classics when it’s age appropriate I’m all in.

Upon finding the book available for free on Apple Books, I decided to see what people had rated it since it was 4.1 stars. One person said they didn’t understand why it was a classic and highly recommended… rated 2 stars. And many more who have rated it 1 star, which I can’t read their posts, but that is absurd.

What in the name of all that is holy is going on?!? I had too many English teachers in junior high, high school and college that their personal mission in life was to make sure we were not only taught the classics but that we as a society should learn from our history and prose in culture from America. Is Huck Finn a book for all people at all times, maybe not, ie for my 7y/o. But for my son age 10 yes this is a key book in development.


What has happened that people would say a book like Huckleberry Finn is ‘meh, ok’. ??

submitted by /u/martindrx1
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