Sing Unburied Sing Critical Reviews?

2 months ago 47

I just finished reading this book, and I can confidently say it’s the worst book I’ve ever read. I’m curious if anyone else feels the same way.

Jesmyn Ward’s intention seems to be to explore the South’s history through themes like drug addiction, violence, and racism. However, she completely fails to execute this effectively.

The narrative is incoherent, with unnecessary Native American and mystical elements thrown in that neither enhance the plot nor make sense. In fact, the plot feels disconnected from the themes she claims to address. Most of the book is a jumble of her personal experiences presented as fragmented micro-topics, which are quickly discarded and never revisited.

The most baffling part is the characterization of Jojo. Supposedly a 13-year-old uneducated boy, he speaks like a middle-aged white creative writing professor, disconnecting the reality of the book even more.

submitted by /u/Fishlover1347F
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