Should I cut off this friend group

3 months ago 37

They were the friend group I hung out since highschool. Its been 4 years since we graduated but I'm starting to realise something strange. I realised that they actually never invite me to hangouts or parties or whatever. They only say yes if I ask to join. I thought I was imagining it really seems like none of them want me around. So I just decided to stop messaging them or saying anything in the group chat. And not a single person asked me why I stopped talking, they just carried on like I didnt exist. They do call me stupid or weird and I thought yea its just casual girl banter but I feel like most of the insults are more directed towards me.

I always try my best to be nice and friendly and fit in but it really seems like theyve just been silently tolerating me and if they had the choice theyd rather not have me around.

submitted by /u/Live_Earth1
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