Should I be worried about not having what others have?

2 months ago 35

I’m 26 male, and sometimes I hear stories of other people’s lives, about how they are getting married and have nice apartments and all of these different things . And I don’t have that rn, I’m getting my life together after a rough period for a couple years . I feel like I’ve found a lot of myself but I don’t have it all together. I don’t have a significant other , part of me doesn’t want one the other half of me is kinda lonely. I don’t have sex anymore cause I don’t want to have anymore casual hook ups , I’d rather just wait until I find a suitable partner now days. I work a lot so I don’t have time for hobbies or even friends rn . I’m stressed and anxious all the time and now I’m kinda worried that maybe I should be doing even more even though rn I’m doing a lot of things to get my life back together. I’m not sure if I should be worried more about the fact I’m almost 30 and I don’t have much to show for it yet. I’m worried also that not having much to show will make me worse off in my 30s and beyond . What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Bulky-Purpose9816
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