Share a success story related to a broken friendship

1 month ago 29

I mean a friendship that was broken only by for example, one person moving countries, continents, or a person moving on with their life

I have been recently unfortunate enough to read YouTube comments under few sad songs and many of the most liked ones are about broken friendships in the context of a friend moving across states or countries and then them losing contact forever so in this case, no toxicity involved. It’s unfortunate it happens but there are way too many of them which makes me anxious about my own friendships. Some of those comments even are about family members dying. Well, I know it’s kinda stupid to be anxious about them but when there are so many of them and they are super liked, it makes you think that those situations happen way too often

So instead I’d like you to share your story about your own friendships that were lost, broken, etc. BUT they were repaired. I know things like that happen and it’s really beautiful to see so I’d like to read more stories like that

submitted by /u/Purple-Ph0enix
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