Sexless relationship

10 hours ago 8

Females with a higher sex drive than your partner how offer are you told no to sex ? I know his every move so I know he’s not cheating he literally just games and says no anytime I ask to the point we sleep together like once every 2 months I brought this to his attention and he says theres no reason why he’s just tired but will spend hours on the game before going to be after work and he asked me when will I just accept that he’s a nerd. How do you deal with this I want it 24/7 and I have self indulging it’s not the same so I don’t do it . What am I suppose to do ? I’ve even told him I want it all the time and he needs to dedicate 3 days a week at least to me because if we can’t do it the relationship won’t substain for me sexually and he said okay and texted me while at work telling me what we’re going to do when I got home and when I go home nothing he got off the game and fell asleep. How do you deal with this ?

submitted by /u/Suspicious-Work-5220
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