Serious help needed (1/1 of my life story)

2 months ago 34

I'm 31.. my husband and I have been married almost 11 years.. high school sweethearts. We've always had a great relationship but when my dad OD' and died in 2015, I had a mental breakdown. I've been through a lot.. starting with a stroke at 16, a year later my first boyfriend in school got killed by an Ef5 tornado.. he was supposed to come to my house. We lived about 5 minutes apart. Then I had a little break.. met my husband, then after dad died I shot up to 350 pounds. I didn't know what to do. I had been turning to food for comfort. So finally in 2016 I got weight loss surgery (sleeve) and I lost 220 pounds. Everyone thought I looked great and treated me like a queen! It was insane. I even had articles written about me, even in the daily mail. Anyways, since I didn't/couldnt eat much anymore I turned to alcohol and pills. Quack dr put me on 4 bars of xans daily. I was one of many, she's now in prison. So after all was said and done, I did go to rehab and got clean in 2019. When I came home I got pregnant with my first son in 2020. I went through the hardest pregnancy of my life. I had gallbladder issues the whole time. Tons of gallstones and they couldn't do surgery bc I was too far along. I was in agony so they started shooting me up with morphine almost daily. So after my rough 12 hour labor, finally ended in a c-section and surgery for gallbladder removal was just 5 days later. So.. needless to say I got addicted to pain pills for the first time in my life. They gave me so many percs and hydros. I never even tried opiods before so this was an amazing feeling when you're in so much pain. A week later my mother in law had a MAJOR stroke and was in ICU for a week, couldn't bond with my first baby. I had to watch her die as they took her off the vent. So first time PP and then had to plan a funeral. 20 months later I got pregnant with my 2nd son. I threw up so much during both pregnancies and due to the weight loss surgery, my teeth started to just crumble. I went to probably 7 different dentist before I was finally so devastated that I said fck it just pull them. I was in so much teeth pain. So I went to affordable dentures - got approved on the spot for a full set of dentures. I decided to go through with it after a lot of not very clear thinking.. I was like "oh well atleast I'll get some pills for a while".. the dentist gave me 3 Valium before the surgery - mind you this was not an oral surgeon, just a regular ol dentist. So I was WIDE AWAKE for 8 hours while they manhandled me. 3 Valium with my tolerance didn't do shit. I cried my eyes out the whole time. So after all that I came here to say.. my life now is just unmanageable with these damn teeth. Sure they look great but I'm in much more pain now. Can't eat, they dig into my gums and the plastic just cuts me to pieces. Not to mention the glue.. I have to glue them in multiple times a day. And if I try to eat the bottoms just pop out. It's miserable and I'm always embarrassed even though no one knows, I know. I feel like a monster. I used to love getting dressed up and LOVED doing my makeup.. don't care about that anymore. I don't even like to leave the house.. Idk what to do. I know life could be much worse so I hate to complain. I have a beautiful family that needs me. Can anyone help me navigate this? *ALSO** said dentist knicked my nasal cavities. I went to an ENT and they said I need surgery immediately.. it's 2k. I shouldn't have to pay for this but she's denying she did it.. after 8 hours of yanking out 30 of my teeth. What should I do?? Please help 🥹

submitted by /u/OkRange8986
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