Self-replicating mRNA vaccines that can spread to the unvaxxed would eliminate vaccine control groups forever and so make traditional controlled clinical trials a thing of the past. This is VERY dangerous and incredibly anti-science..

2 months ago 32

While damage already done by the last round of mass mRNA injection is still filtering through the global population, there are moves afoot to inject the consenting part of the human population with a product which will spread to the part that does not, and never would, consent. Those who were not vaccinated last time round - although they are fewer in number than they would have been without mandates and fear mongering - nonetheless still constitute some kind of control group, and it is the only remaining control group we have in order to evaluate the long-term effects of mRNA injections, perhaps many years down the line as they continue to emerge, revealed by excess deaths and morbidity statistics.

We already know that Moderna and Pfizer destroyed their original control groups by unblinding their clinical trials and offering their experimental mRNA products to placebo recipients.

That move was followed by global pressure on the unvaccinated, including mandates which meant that in some areas you couldn't earn a living or even enter a supermarket without accepting the experimental shots. So even more of the control group was eliminated by means of social and economic pressure.

Researchers are now working on self-replicating mRNA "vaccines" for covid among other diseases:

This research is going ahead despite warnings from scientists that self-replicating "vaccines" violate long-established scientific norms which exist to safeguard human and animal life from the risks that this type of technology could pose.

If these "vaccines" are brought to market, there will be no defying the mandates this time because we will all be vaccinated simply by being around vaccinated people who will shed the self-replicating product as if it was a live virus. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is the actual goal of the technology, that it should be a self-spreading, "contagious" vaccine that spreads between people whether they have received it or not. Unvaccinated people will be able to catch this vaccine as if it was a virus.

What this means in practical terms is that if this technology is ever released, it is likely to be the end of the very idea and possibility of a control group.

And what makes it even more nefarious is that research on the technology is going ahead despite the undeniable evidence that excess deaths and disability have increased dramatically in populations which were highly exposed to the last round of experimental mRNA shots. So the researchers, manufacturers and regulators cannot deny that they are aware of the risks of this.

In view of that fact, this looks very much like a cover-up of an already committed crime against humanity by perpetrating a new crime against humanity.

I suspect the pharma industry, together with governmental agencies which facilitated and promoted it - rather than regulating it as they were charged to do - now seek to eliminate the control group once and for all, so that the disastrous long-term effects of the covid-19 mRNA injection campaign can never be truly known. Those effects will be obfuscated and hidden within the muddied waters of a new situation in which the entire human population will have been exposed to mRNA technology, regardless of their willingness to consent to it.

submitted by /u/mitte90
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