I'm sure many of you already guessed this but I thought I would post what I know.
If you see anyone in the comments saying I'm a schizo, addict, or drunk help me report them for hate. Don't you think it's suspicious that they are in a conspiracy forum and believe that every conspiracy is crazy?
The school shootings are planted by the Democrats in an attempt to get rid of guns. they need your support so they lie to you to get it. They lie to their own people. But without your support they are helpless.
They are hoping if they create the most shocking and appalling circumstances that people will just hand over their rights without question trying to fix a problem that was manufactured by them.
Chicago is one of the must gun violent cities in the United States despite the strictest laws, so the laws aren't the problem.
the right to bare arms has been around for hundreds of years and school shootings have only been a problem for a few decades. So it's not guns that are the problem if this didn't happen until hundreds of years after the inception of the second ammendment
any attempt to remove constitutional rights in the past failed miserably and only increased criminal behavior. Prohibition for an example.
Even if they did get rid of guns that still wouldn't fix the root problem of mental illness so there would still be a cause to these events, other than the fact that they were set up by the Democratic party.
And I also said that if the children truly was their concern like they claim it is, they would be looking for any solution possible such as metal detectors, security, amd having the kids resume classes online like they did for covid. The fact that they refuse to look at any other solution is evidence that their concern isn't the children like they claim it is, it's getting rid of guns.
These people also act that they have some smug moral high ground which is a lie. They are killing children as a means to an end. And many people who support them think they have some moral superiority which is far from true. They are killing children and getting applauded for it.
Trying to restrict guns and opening the borders is a telltale sign of setting up for an invasion. And being that the US is one of 2 countries not apart of the NWO, I'm guessing that's why.
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