Retirement at 65 is a psyop

2 months ago 31

Ask literally anyone who retires at 65 when the program says to and I bet they wish they could have retired earlier.

So you slave your ass off in your golden years of health n mobility to retire at 65 enjoy 11 or so and then die.

Something don't seem right there its because it isn't right.

Don't accept ill work till 65 70 then enjoy life sure some its to late but those who its not do all you can to retire early n not retire but eligibility to retire.

Retirement what you gona do yay I'm officially retired is that your Q sit on your lazy boy watching animal planet and the crime channel all day

The fantasy retired perform is traveling on cruise ships in the Mediterranean sipping wine in a chateau in Bordeaux driving your RV in the Arizona eating tacos.

Sure some do that but the average retire does f all mobility diminished likely retire with no savings reliance on a pension if they lucky they have a house freehold if u pay rent the your fked.

Don't follow the program go far away from it as you can

submitted by /u/PrudentPotential729
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