Resign to live with parents and start a new job

1 month ago 14

I'm considering resigning from my job and taking a new job. Current job pays 92k/year. The other joh days 75k/year. I'm considering making this movr because I am severely depressedd and getting into bad habits when alone by myself (self loathing, binge eating). I feel like my parents can help with accountability on that side of things. I am feeling like I am in prison living alone. Just last night I had a an emotional breakdown and just about lost it. I fear the future as an older adult. I'm in therapy. I am a 36 year old male. Would moving back in to my parents home resolve some open wounds I have? I would also be working with a lower socioeconomic class of people in healthcare. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Dry_Commission2163
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