Recapping on 2024

3 months ago 38

I definitely started out this year with a bunch of anxiety how this year would go. New Year’s Day I was balling my eyes out in my room I wasn’t where I wanted to be in my life I was 22 going into this year. This year has been so challenging and emotional but there were some good times as well. I was able to pay off 13 K of student loans out of pocket from saving all my money so I was proud of myself there. I went on so many fun adventures with my friends and spent more time with family, and spent more time with god and reading the Bible. I also had to go through loss in the family, I lost both of my grandmas this year, my boyfriend and I almost didn’t not make it to our 6 year anniversary, I didn’t get into a radiology program I wanted to so badly be in, I was working at a job that was good money but not enjoyable and I knew I didn’t want to do it for much longer but was so scared to leave. And now it’s December and my boyfriend and I are in such a better place, I just got accepted into a respiratory therapy program that I start next month! Nervous but so excited! I got a new job this year that I love. This year was such a rough year and I can’t wait to see where I am at next December! I am just so grateful for this life I have and all the experiences I got to do. I truly believe everything does happen for a reason.

submitted by /u/Nightfall_21
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