Realising and accepting that life’s a bitch

1 month ago 50

Has actually somehow made things a little more freeing.

It’s like well life’s a bitch why care, but in a positive manner. if life’s a btch why should I worry ? Just keep moving regardless and don’t expect much.

I feel the whole hustle culture/perfectionism and needing to succeed really fckd w my emotions. “Just change your train of thought” like ye but I can only do that for so long before it hits me again outta nowhere twice as hard.

Being 24 turning 25 and growing up on the internet I’ve realised the dangers of different beliefs. There’s too many beliefs, like health for example; “carrots are healthy and do xyz because bla bla” then suddenly “carrots are full of chemicals and cause all these diseases” (made up example) but hopefully you get my drift.

it just gets tiring after a while. Especially w the whole spiritual Shi like it just gets fcking confusing it’s just better to be human and live in your own ignorance regardless of the fear monger.

Society is tiring, but the earth itself is beautiful, house animals are beautiful. Now nature …. That is fcking scary, I saw on fb of lions Eating another lions, guts out n Shi, to me that’s the reality of life. Thankfully we’re in a system that keeps us from going there but holy Shi I feel we are so close to Shi like that happening

Idk can anyone else relate

submitted by /u/EconomyLibrary5401
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