Rate my monthly money management?

1 month ago 70

25F. Salary of 68K (before taxes). Current net worth ~45k (checking, HYSA, Crypto, Roth IRA, and stocks)

Entire monthly expenses : 1. Savings : $100 bi weekly via rocket money ($200/month) 2. Savings : $305 weekly via credit karma ($1220/month) 3. Investments: $50 weekly via BTC -($200/month) 4. Investments: $15 weekly via XRP - ($60/month) 5. Investments $10 a month via fund rise ($10/month) 6. Investment $145 weekly via roth IRA ($580/month) 7. To parents $300 monthly ($300/month) 8. Asia trip $184 bi weekly ($368/month)

Total save monthly : $1420

Total invest monthly: $850

Total to mom monthly: $300

Vacation monthly (til Feb 2026): $368

Monthly total : $2,938

Monthly Paycheck: $4,000

Monthly total leftover: $1062

Not here for a pitty party, but some days i feel so behind in life. Any advice from people well ahead of the game? Anything i can do differently? Want to level up & scale in terms of my finances, but not sure where to start. Heard the first 100k is the hardest.

No kids currently, maybe by 30. Blessed to still live at home. Learning to manage my money since I’ve committed a lot of my paycheck to savings and investments.

$1000 a month left after on my paychecks, so learning to not go out to eat so much even tho i love taking my girl on dates & having little date nights.

FYI the asia trip i listed will be only for about 13 months of payments.

submitted by /u/Basic_Professor2650
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