Found this little gem in my local bookshop. It is absolutely stunning. Reading these short stories felt like being underwater. Each story is a bit disorienting and disconcerting, but there is also an inexplicable sense of serenity in the language. The prose is really striking and the translation is excellent. It's speculative fiction, but there are enough ambiguities in each story to really keep you mentally occupied for long after you're finished reading.
I think my favorite two stories were Snow Globes and Great Apes, both of which really force you to reassess how we view ourselves and our planet. I think with great lit, you're often either looking for stunning prose or a story that will challenge your thought process. Like the very best writing, collection is succeeds at both.
If you are interested in 1) speculative fiction 2) really beautiful French lit in translation or 3) something that is likely outside of the realm of what you normally read, I would highly recommend this little collection.
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