Philosophical rant about life

1 month ago 37

There are sort of two very popular narratives that rule our lives in the west. One where we trust in an abrahamic religon and the other where we trust in only science and empirical knowledge. I think both ways of life could be harmful to us. I don't think I need to talk about religon too much, we all get it. Fear mongering, control, splitting people into binaries. However we also need ethics and no I don't belive morality is inate to us I think it's relative to our time and culture but also context. Get mad as you want about this but most of our morals are programmed into us from an early age by the stories we tell and the stories we tell are usually regurgitatuons and echoes from long gone civilizations and beliefs.

Furthermore science has its limitations and cannot tell us how to live, it is simply a tool for understanding but a limited one. Science will continue to be used to justify violence the same way religon does. It is not the fault of science but it is a consequence of us believing we should be governed by it.

So much of today's society seems to revolve around feelings. Both parties are guilty of claiming they feel a certain way so the world has to bend a knee to their will. We don't live in this reality. However logic as I mentioned has it's limitations because we are innately emotinal creatures.

The biggest problem seems to be that we all belive in binaries to begin with. We all want to claim there is good and bad wrong or right when we ourselves cannot describe the truth. Dissect and word and you'll find it can be infinitely directed there is no truth to any of the words we say because there is always an equal opposing counter balance.

I always get confused when people expect me to pick a side. When people tell me something is good or bad. To me we are all blind and touching only a piece to an elephant. To me all of us are arguing that the elephant we are touching is a trunk or a tusk. The truth is however that we are touching only parts to the same whole. The only way to discover the truth of the elephant then is to accept every experience and seek understanding of every experience. When I engage in discussions I no longer wish to feel morally superior but to understand another piece to the elephant that I have not touched yet. This is why I don't pick sides anymore.

Our culture currently is so divided and neither side seems to seek understanding. People would rather alienate half the population than seek to understand why the way they are.

Hinduism and buhdism have really awakend me to the plague that has been consuming us in the west. Christianity believes only humans have souls. Our mechanical view point towards nature has been the most devastating thing for it. Climate change is the result of us seeing the universe as a tool for our ego. The cultures we displaced meanwhile personified nature. The ocean was a god. The forest was ruled by spirits. This demanded respect from us of what was outside of us. Now that we don't belive in that we treat animals like shit and don't even think twice when we eat them. I don't advocate veganism is nesssary. In my mind even the plants we eat have souls. I just wish it actually meant something here and nothing went to waste. The animals that were killed by the natives were honored and every single part of their body was transformed into something. How much food do we throw away without thinking twice?

In bubdism and certain schools of thought in Hinduism all is one. There is no separation or duality. Everything and everyone has the same soul. And everyone is garanteed peace because life continues after death until we merge ourselfs with the universal consciousness. I think that's beautiful.

submitted by /u/Mr-wobble-bones
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