Peter Nadas - Parallel Stories

2 months ago 39

All, I have been stuck about halfway through this book. I have not decided to not finish because of one horrifying passage. It ranks with descriptions in Bloodlands and The Rape of Nanking for the unconscionable acts of mankind during the early mid 20th century.

The scene recalled in first person by a woman on a train to a concentration camp. People, mostly or all Jewish, were overloaded on a train, given no rest or reprieve began to pass out or die. When they dropped, they were avoided but eventually they were slowly discarded and trampled resulting in a description of blood and more dripping form beneath the rail car as they pulled into the camp. To me this is one of the cruelest description of grief and violence forced from one culture onto another I have experienced in literature. I have been reading the book so long that I hope my memory matches the description in the book as far as I remember my parlay is mild.

submitted by /u/Gur10nMacab33
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