People Watching 10/6/24

2 hours ago 12

We’ve made it to October and I fond myself accompanied by a cool sun filled breeze. Various strands of thoughts tip toe their way into my mind as I observe the people around me; though I’ll admit most of these same thoughts escape faster than they came. The most impactful, or at least intellectual thought I’ve decided to snatch this afternoon is the concept of the infinitely different perspectives and views people bring to the table.

The conversation I’ve heard most today is from a group of 50-60 year olds; Two men accompanied by two women to be specific. It’s unclear to me whether they all arrived together or if the couples are meeting for the first time; but it is clear this is two established heterosexual couples. One man is wearing patterned Dulce & Gabbana pants and spewing skewed bits of knowledge he thinks he possesses as his partner fawns over him. Curse words and sexual phrases are commonplace on his tongue, and both women don’t seem to mind. The other man doesn’t seem bothered either, while his female partner laughs and validates the 1st man’s actions.

While checking in and out of the American football game currently on the television, I also ascertained that these 2 men are veterans. Veterans that no doubt witnessed terrors my eyes can only imagine behind closed lids. No doubt the whole crowd’s intake of alcohol has been impressive, it makes me think of how differently they must view the world from myself.

These women watched their Father’s and Brother’s drafted into wars they themselves could barely conceptualize. Many of which to never return. These men, accompanied by their friends, brothers, and cousins walked into the personified face of terror straddling their triggers with nothing but their index fingers. Now, after 30 to 40 year careers of coping with the hands they were dealt, these people have found a peaceful October afternoon to sit in the sun and enjoy an afternoon together over drinks. The fact that they may sound a bit silly or boisterous is not even an after thought.

As a member of the generation far too anxious to express themselves and lost in the search for meaning, I wonder if I will ever have the life experience needed to enjoy a Sunday afternoon like this group of Humans. The never ending struggle over purpose must seem insignificant when the barrel of profit and power’s rifle dictated your own.

submitted by /u/WritingItAllDown
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