People hold onto my mistakes

14 hours ago 3

I don't think I'm being overly sensitive to this, but people from different situations seem to remember my mistakes and will being then up often.

Patents, friends, and co workers, who don't know each other, will bring up my mistakes from months or years (decades) ago in conversation. My mom will bring up trouble I got into in high school, or the fact that I had difficulty making friends. She'll say it in the context of "I just hope your not doing this again". It was 25 years ago, I've aged and matured.

Friends will bring up a bad date idea that happened 15 years ago, or something dumb I said when I was 25. I can laugh at the old stuff, but it's usually brought in a serious conversation, not in jest.

I've had a good life. I'm a good dad, I have a career, I've traveled and matured as we all do.

It's almost as if they are picking me apart to figure me out, or they had such huge expectations of me that any slip up is memorable.

I love these people, and I don't know if this is common for everyone. What is this?

submitted by /u/Repulsive_Art_1175
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