1 month ago 16

So,my girlfriend belong from a open minded Cristian family but her mother is refusing our relationship just because she still needs to complete her studies and is asking her to wait..while on the other hand. I belong to a Muslim family who are deeply rooted to their cultures and no one in my family line has ever dared to do love family is in a sort off Groups of other families where marriage outside this group is considered a shameful act and the offender’s family might be looked down and many people will laughs on the name of Family.

So now my parents are looking for suitor who they want to marry me off with..but idk why but since i was child i didn’t like this society our family live in..nine if my family member ever encouraged me to do love marriage but being in todays generation i want to be a part of it too.

So now i am deeply in love with isha and her mother is only opposing her because of her age..whereas my family is opposing me because of the society.

Now,i have already had a talk with my parents and they have made it clear that they will not accept my marriage ever.i have asked them for time but they are not at all ready to compromise even a little.

Now what should i do ??

submitted by /u/Brown-negga_7789
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