Okay? maybe...

1 month ago 72

As the days pass by.. and the more challenges I try to overcome, it still leaves me in confusion idk why.. As I try to follow my goal and set up a clear mind that "I will" overcome n I can.. There's somehow this little liesh that always tends to pull me back. "I" mature day by day maybe? Or is this just how life tend to make me this way? different from all... always just on my own, my own thoughts that always gives me a chivalrous ache in my heart! Oh! My mind I hate it when I pressure u soo much with my uncontrollable thoughts. That what would anyone even think of me? maybe the way I act? talk? it always leaves me in despair. I am sorry my little heart for carrying this heavy feelings just for a stranger that owe u nothing! I might be devasty, maybe a dork? to let my mind and heart suffer along with the existence of me. :-;

submitted by /u/Miserable-Sherbet765
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