Just read Of Mice and Men for the first time and as the book wasnt spoiled to me I had no idea what was the ending.
I viewed the book as a criticism of modern society and more specifically the organization of the economy but I had no idea toward where it was going. Reading the description of the landscape in the beginning of the final chapter, I realized what was going to happen with Lennie. Suddenly everything clicked. Loved the parallels with the beginning. The water snake looking around with its neck like a periscope as a metaphor for the curiosity of a human but being eaten alive by the heron (the world).
Another metaphor is the wind going through the crowns of the trees and then fades quickly just like a human's life.
I havent read many of Steinbecks books but I would say he is underrated in the way he descripes the landscape and the atmosphere.
What do you think about ,,Of Mice and Men" and Steinbeck as an author?
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