Nothing is worth the suffering of living.

1 month ago 26

Mind you Ive never had a girlfriend at 30 mostly because I'm broke now, let alone any meaningful friends because Im broke. Which I seriously doubt most people would think life is worth living without those thing despite people glorifying being alone.

No amount of pleasure makes up for the suffering regardless. Rather no amount of suffering is acceptable imo. Their is nothing that makes up for the toil I have to put in to survive. Nothing worth waking up for. The fact that humans can only get so happy before coming down to earth pretty much proves this. If life was inherently worth living it probably wouldn't even be possibe in the first place.

Thing is things can always get worse or at least just as painful in life. Their is also something more painful or just as an egregious to be experienced. Anything fun to experience is pointless too. Once it passes its just a useless memory that I can't even remember all that well. What's the point it's just insignificant and you're supposed to work most of the day anyways.

submitted by /u/Many_Leave9795
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