Today I came across one of Nostradamus’ predictions which states:
“Two contenders will unite whilst most others will align with Mars. The African leader is fearful and trembles, the dual alliance will be separated by the fleet”
Now, I don’t really buy into anything like this and I know Nostradamus’ predictions are pretty vague but this one gave me chills given the political climate of the world today.
Now without getting too political, the current administration of the USA is scarily more aligned than its ever been with its main contender since the Cold War Russia, something both parties have admitted. Not only that but US leaderships recent actions have been very anti support for Ukraine in its defence. Meanwhile most of the rest of the world is aligned with Ukraine and sides with them in the ongoing invasion they are struggling against. Mars as I’m sure we all know is the Roman word for war….
Most have questioned a certain man of South African descent and his apparent unwarranted leadership role in the US government, giving press conferences in the Oval Office and such. It’s also safe to say he’s fearful and trembling regarding the massive loss of wealth he’s been hit with due to the crash of Tesla stocks. And his seemingly panic driven Tesla sales pitch outside the white house.
It all seems to eerily fall into place. The last part is the bit that as of yet puzzling. a fleet by definition is “a collection of vehicles or aircraft operating together under the same ownership” could the fleet that separates the alliance be NATO? I sincerely hope not but it seems to somewhat fit.
Creepy stuff. He also seemingly predicted the rise of a “great king of terror” in the 7th month of 1999 which can be linked to putin becoming the prime minister of Russia. And the dates line up.
It’s pretty crazy how although all his predictions are purposefully vague, they do seem to Match up almost too well to events that have happened.
Just some food for thought for you all that I found pretty interesting.
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