Need to Decide how to Refill Bank

1 month ago 24

So , I have already cashed out a 401K that had the least amount of $$$ compared to the other two . I have some properties that I could sell , but they are off-grid types & would only generate maybe $20 K on one , & same amount on 2 side-by-side lots , also no power , no water. I'm 63 , & do not plan on joining the work force to make serious cash . Work places right now are just toxic. I'm still in decent health , but starting to feel my years . Which would be better solution? Cash out another 401 K , or sell the property ? I do plan on filing for SS, when turning 64 , but might only drag in about $ 2,500 a month . Any advise is greatly appreciated ! I apologize if this is not the best place to post in reddit. thx.

submitted by /u/Newton_79
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