I have autism not seriously like I cannot do things it's not that bad I just cannot focus and I just got in a fight with my mother about her calling me retarded that word especially directed towards me trigger's me heavily it puts me in a fighting mood it started when my brother sent my mom something I saw what they were talking about then I asked can I ask him something she basically told me to fuck off I I then waited till she was done then grabbed the tablet to ask my brother a question she then tried to take the tablet from me me trying to text just walked away then she said can you stop being a retard then I went on how just because I have autism that doesn't describe who I am I say this a lot but every time I bring it up my mother or sister just says here we go again or I'm being dramatic it fucks with me a lot because they basically told everyone I know and work with that I'm retarded not autistic now even at work people say things slow to me or take more time to explain things to me in small words I don't know if I'm the problem but having that done to me almost every day is just sickening to me I just stay in my room on my off days I don't socialize with people because everyone I know thinks of me as a big child and now I start to wonder if I'm the problem
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