My opinion

1 month ago 23

I think the hardest part about getting yourself together is the part when you are starting from nothing . For example say I lost my car , all saving , all clothes , half way went insane , thinking if I threw away all material God would give it back times 10 if I focused on the word …. Safe to say I do not believe in a God anymore - but starting from 0 is difficult - I remember times when I had 9,000$ saved and it’s like just the excitement you get from seeing the money saved up makes you want to save more . Also it makes me want to keep working to save more and not spend anything if I don’t have to , but when I’m starting from nothing it’s almost as if I have no motivation . But I’m hoping I get hired at jimmy John’s tomorrow , 4 min from the house . Still freezing but I have a mountain bike to ride & warm weather creeping around . I’ve missed out on so much travel , relationship with family , beautiful women , all because I don’t have my shi together . My family & society usually judges you buy what money you have if you have nothing … they treat you like nothing or dirt - if you have something everyone wants to be around you and act like your friend. But I’m gonna get up everyday and go to work when I land a job and just pretend I’m broke when I get money . I plan to disappear from my family and this country hopefully .

submitted by /u/Matrix_hey22_3-502
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