So I was having a conversation with my mom about my previous work day… I work at a Dunkin’ Donuts in a small town & there’s homeless people outside asking for money, drug addicts, etc. - just a lot of stuff going on around my job all the time. So as I’m telling her about this crazy guy who came in causing problems, cops got called… dude comes back later in my shift with different clothes, a whole face mask, glasses, etc. So my grandmother is listening and chimes in and says “oh we had to kick him out of church today”. So I asked a couple questions and the person she described was a tall, slim, older man… NOT the same man from my job. But when she said “we had to kick him out of church today” I instantly got annoyed & asked so why didn’t yall pray for him?! She pretty much just said that the older man came into the church and walked up to the pulpit ‘talking foolishness’… I am so aggravated by this. WHY WOULD THEY TURN AWAY SOMEONE WHO CLEARLY NEEDS HELP? So no one in the congregation thought to say something? No one wanted to take him to the prayer room and maybe have God, the Holy Spirit intercede?? I haven’t been to church in YEARS and have my reasons… My grandmother actually sits in the pulpit. I am so disheartened and disappointed in the church. WHAT GOD ARE THEY SERVING THAT THEY ARE TURNING AWAY A MAN ‘TALKING FOOLISHNESS’? DO THEY NOT BELIEVE IN THE GOD THEY CLAIM THEY SERVE?!?! I am so confused and bothered. It doesn’t make sense. Seriously praying for every single soul on this earth. God is love… God, the Holy Spirit, isn’t turning you away.
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