Been married for 6 years, and my husband told me last Saturday that he wants a divorce. Hit me completely out of the blue. We had issues but I didn’t think it was that bad from his end. I’m so heartbroken, but even after a short few days I can see myself choosing to see things objectively. We weren’t good for or to each other. I held onto the idea of him, the idea of a husband. I let small things get into my head, grieving no longer being able to say “I’m married” to strangers as if it was something big. It’s big sure but I blew it up like I won’t even be able to meet new people because I can’t say “I’m married.” Silly. I’ve always been a small things and details person. I think that’s why I never saw this end coming. Yes, things weren’t that great but we still had plenty of small moments that made us laugh, gave us joy. Looking back, I probably focused on those too much and convinced myself we were better than we actually were. It hurts and I’m terrified to be alone. I never really have been, always jumping from relationship to relationship. I told myself I wouldn’t do that this time, I need to be more intentional about what I want and really get to know myself. I am finally starting to understand when people say “you can’t love someone else if you don’t love yourself.” I didn’t love myself enough so I’d stuck with a relationship that was overall unhappy, and I couldn’t love my partner because I didn’t actually seek to grow, which happen through conflict, through discomfort. I only sought to keep the peace and comfort.
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