My main life goal right now is gone, how can I try to get focused and go through this?

2 months ago 28

Hi everyone, I'm 29 years old right now, and I will be 30 in 2 weeks. For the last 3 years, I have been saving part of my salary for my main goal, which is about doing a master's degree in Europe. The thing is... I was working with a professor of the university where I got my bachelor's degree and he told me he could help me get a job in a research group of a good uni in Europe, and of course I also could have done my master's there; he has done that in the past with other students, so I was full of hope. The thing is, there have been some years since the last student he helped, and now the person he worked with in that uni isn't replying to him since 3 months ago. So, long story short, right now that goal I was putting all my time and effort into is gone... just like that. I have been working in a job I really don't like only because in that way I could save money for that. I really want to do a master's, but now I don't know what to do. I want to live in Europe, yes, but I want to study a master's I like, and really, without the job opportunity, the master's study plans in the European country I was going to work really don't appeal to me much. Now the one in my country is better, but still isn't great. So I'm feeling like I wasted 3 years of my life, and now I'm almost 30 in a job I hate and going to quit soon but without knowing what to do next. Oh yeah, and I left aside my love life for my career, and as I said, it was for nothing... Thanks for your help with this!

submitted by /u/Heaviside95
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