My life feels like it doesn't exist when it just began

2 months ago 36

I don't even know where to begin honestly.

I'm young, about to graduate next semester from my bachelor's degree. I have pretty much everything that some can only dream of yet I feel so distraught. My mental health aside, everyone thinks I have a bright future but I cannot see it.

I've met someone very special and from the start I was shamed for it by family. We are long distance, young, and have no support on my side. Safe to say, it sucks. The intimacy in our calls that randomly align during our busy lifestyles is all we have along with texting through the day as much as possible. When we don't have time for eachother I feel like my light has gone. The ease he gives me on an average basis, even with everything he has going on is wonderful. He's great in a way that I never knew existed, my standards will never be the same!

As for my career, I have multiple options and I do have time to think since I have no plans or responsibilities the year after I graduate. I have no clue where I'll be in 2 years and it's daunting but also kind of interesting? I've never had that kind of freedom before. I'll definitely put it to good use with lots of work experience and volunteering, at least I hope.

Me and my special someone are intelligent, hard working, wise (eldest sibling trope lol), independent, responsible. So why do I feel like I've achieved nothing? Why do I feel like if we don't end up together for the rest of our lives that I will lose all hope in what having a family of my own looks like? Why do I not have support either in most of my possible career ambitions or in my choice of a partner? Why do I not have a support system around me in a world where shallow is the norm and sentimental, sensitive people can't have bonds? Why do I feel like if me and him don't work out that I'll be that 1/4 that will be single forever when all I've ever wanted was to make a family of my own?

Why was I forced to decide to slow down when I found the one soul I've resonated with so deeply 6 months into the start of our feelings....

For the first time in a long time, my career plans seem to be more certain than my personal ones and that scares me. It scares me that what I want my life to look like in 10 years seems to be but a fantasy. A simple life in a nice home, a couple kids and a few cats is turning into a Disney trope all because no one will stand by my side and help me get there....

submitted by /u/Internal-Pineapple77
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