We are a family of 5 i have 2 siblings and they are my older and younger siblings which are the ones who are more favored by my mom and me the middle child is not that favored and probably the butt of the joke because i have a vivid memory where our father bought us tablets for each one of us and has a game he downloaded for us. Now the thing is my older sibling wants the game I have in my tablet and because they don't know how to get it, because it's non existent in the app store so they borrows my tablet and played the game, i was fine with it until they began to take it out of my hands without asking and then push me away when i tried to watch them, i asked if i can borrow their tablet, and what he did is they hit me and said no i told mom but she brushed it off and years later his tablet broke and it's his own fault, and unfortunately for me instead of buying a new battery to fix it, they took my tablet's battery and put it in their's, and not just weeks later it's already broken. And mom got my older brother a phone dad felt bad when he found out so he gave me an old phone but it's still in perfect condition, and unfortunately again my mom wants me to share it with my little sibling so i agree and when my little sibling got to hold the phone they would slam it to the floor out of frustration when the internet is slow and i was blamed for it.
And that's not all of it there are still more and just mentioning the most vivid ones and this one is about appearance I'm average looking and weight normal but somehow some way they call me ugly and pig at a daily basis and if i cry they'll pick on me more but when i pick on them they'll get offended and say how much of a bad person i am. For like age i was being forced to grow up faster and for my older sibling they still acts like someone who is younger than me and we are 6 years apart and they are not critized about it. And this is i can't properly explain what is it for but my brother is racist he said the n-word (we are not black) i said that saying it is racist and they went full defensive and justified saying it is not racist and only white people can be racist and can't say it which is bullshigity what in the ever loving ass and yes my little sibling too.
And when it comes to personal relationship my older sibling couldn't find a romantic relationship they had a crush but their crush never liked them and they're salty about it and he has a best friend who is asexual my younger sibling is always a wierdo which drives people away and me i keep mine a secret because if they found out they'd say the most outrageous thing about them and they still wouldn't believe i got a romantic relationship but we broke up because of personal it's not a abusive relationship it's just couldn't feel the satisfaction from before which is understandable considering that i couldn't feel the same satisfaction too so we broke up after having the same problem.
For personality my older brother is childish, my younger sibling is a wierdo just as i mentioned, and i am a understanding person but unfortunately everyone of my OTHER relatives not all of them are ass and also some of my cousins
And that's all I'm going to vent and everything now is going up and down but soon it'll be better right? Well I don't know......
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