I don’t know why, but for me these last five years have completely disappeared. For me time’s been speeding up since around 2012 at least. Gone with the speed of sound. But recently it’s like the years didn’t just pass, but like they flew with the speed of light. I just woke up one day and I have more grey hair than black ones. Something feels…off, like we’re caught in some kind of temporal undertow pulling us faster and faster.
And don't say “you’re getting older so you have less time left” thing. I understand that. Maybe it’s the universe itself accelerating, like some cosmic countdown we don’t even realize we’re part of. Or what if time isn’t just a constant, but something being manipulated, compressed, bent, distorted by forces we can’t see? Maybe the reason we feel it is because, deep down, we’re wired to sense the shift, like ants scrambling before a storm.
Does anyone else feel it? And if the universe really is speeding up, bending, or being messed with, what are we being pushed toward? And why?
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