My husband and I got married last year. We immediately moved to a different state for his job and he bought us a house. He is a lovely man. I have reached out to his coworkers (military) wives in order to befriend them. It is very important that I have friends. We hang out once and then they seem to fade away after he goes to work or spends any amount of time with them when I am not around. He has made it very clear to me that he does not want me hanging out with anyone without him there. Recently, he has left for training for a few weeks and I am left here alone. I’ve connected the dots. What hurts me the most is that I told him how important it is for me to have friends and he acts like he is genuinely concerned, but behind my back, he sabotages me. He has told these women that I am a homewrecker, which I am not. How do I handle this? Every relationship that I have had has resorted to men trying to isolate me. I know what the signs are. I love him very much and he is a nice husband, but this isolation will drive me crazy.
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