My first time on this app

3 months ago 37

Hi guys idk I was just chilling at work and thought about how im working my ass every day and nothing changes (I am a Nurse under training) and especially when I have an early shift cause my work is like 8-10 km away and there is no buses 🤦🏻‍♂️ so I have to leave at 05:55 so I can be there on time while it’s cold as hell 🥶(if you you’re a nice person you can send me 1k € so I can do a driving license cause I don’t have it) so just wondering if anyone else suffering like me or is it just me !! But what makes this even funnier is that I live in a country studying a branch (Nursing) in a languages that’s not my mother language even thought I didn’t choose any of this ! I didn’t choose to come to this country, I didn’t choose to learn and speak this language, and I don’t want to be a NURSE 🙆🏻‍♂️!! And everyone expecting me to do my best and be the best of the best when I make a mistake everyone start judging me even thought I ask my self every morning and night…. What the hell am I doing…why am I here…why am doing this things for…and recently who am I !!

submitted by /u/Waste-Sound1194
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