My cousin doesn't like playing fair

1 month ago 23

So one day. Me and my brother and my cousin were all playing a parody of squid game(don't ask we were bored) and me and my cousin were the finalist so the last game was that you had to pick a shoe and throw it at each other both of us had 3 lives. After that we were down to our last lives and i had a shoe and he doesn't and also he was cornered. But for some reason my brother shot a shoe to him and i was shocked when he did that, so that gave a chance to my cousin and he threw the shoe and i lost i told him it wasn't fair because my brother was a referee and so after a long argument we finally redone the match and we were down to our last lives again after that i got a lil close to him and he said to me to back off and i did after that he got close and i told him to back off as well but he ignored it and threw the shoe at me again and i told him it wasn't fair again because i told him to back off and he ignored it but when he said it i backed off and he just said 'you don't play fair. And when did i tell you to back off? Your just making lies now!' and when i heard that i absolutely lost it and oh my it was just something dude. Anyways tell me if my cousin is right and I'm just overreacting or I'M RIGHT and my cousin is wrong. (He'll probably say the internet is full of liers)

submitted by /u/thatdudetath
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