Mother drunk driving

2 months ago 29

My mom is an alcoholic. When she drinks she drinks until she gets herself drunk. When she is sober she’s just about the nicest person you’ll meet. She fell into drinking badly when my dad took a job in PA and moved her and us away from her family. I was in elementary school at the time but the drinking got worse the more unhappy she got. Her and my dad split as I got into high school as the fighting got worse. She went away to rehab for 3 months after her second DUI in order to avoid having to go to jail. Unfortunately she came back and fell right back into her patterns. I have no control over how much she drinks and she doesn’t have many hobbies and her friends encourage her drinking. Twice in the last month I’ve walked in our kitchen only to see her sitting in her car vividly drunk. I used to get upset but now I just ask her that does she not realize that she will ruin her own life if she does not stop. I also tell her that she could potentially kill or hurt someone else. I don’t know she says I’m right but then she’ll just go ahead and do it again. Just this past weekend her friend followed her home cause she demanded that she was fine to drive - she was very impaired words slurring and smelt like wine. I’ve been tempted to call the cops on her only because I’m scared she will hurt someone else. I tell her all the time including this past weekend to call me if she needs a ride - I don’t judge her drinking I just want everyone to be safe.

I think drunk driving is just about the most selfish thing a person can do and if you do it please think of the people that you can potentially harm and the lives that can be changed forever.

submitted by /u/Murky_Highway_124
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