McDonald’s taste nasty when I’m sick can anyone else relate

2 months ago 32

About 4 years ago I got really sick and I ask my mom to get me a quarter pounder from McDonald’s and it was quite literally the nastiest thing I have ever eaten in my life but I love quarter pounders from McDonald’s and I know there wasn’t anything wrong with it because my dad cut him a piece off and he said it didn’t taste bad at all .ps what I had was not contagious. But I got sick on Christmas a couple days ago and I finally got my appetite back but I’m still a little sick and I was craving a burger so I drove there and got two McDoubles and came home and ate like 2 or 3 bites and it had that same exact taste that quarter pounder had and it gave me literal Vietnam flashbacks to that burger I had 4 years ago but why I’m asking is because I’ve eaten subway , pizza , and chicken Alfredo while I’m sick and it tasted completely fine so I know my taste buds are fine and the only time I have ever had that taste is when I’ve eaten McDonald’s while sick. when some foods that are nasty you can describe what it tasted like a little bit but it was so bad of a taste I can literally not explain the taste that’s how bad it was. Has anyone else dealt with this before

submitted by /u/Possible_Joke5014
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