Males who call religions a toxic thing yet are pro-masturbation, how come?

2 months ago 34

Why such a beta dude? Both are toxic copiums. Beating the meat is a cope for incels and cucks. Besides, it's a gay move. It's a loser's thing to shoot loads to pixels.

So where did your masculinity go, dude? Since I've recently seen adult males who were pro-masturbation, like crazy, how can you still stay a teen? It's because of soy, like that, why this world is crap.

I always wonder how we got from gladiators and Spartans to time-dry masturbators who help feminists into making more males betas. Back in the day, weaklings like that would get their heads cut off for spreading effeminate crap.

submitted by /u/Tejt_Power_609
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