[M36] At the age of 24 I wanted go to an escort and was told to wait for the right person. I did not find the right person...

3 months ago 36

As title says. I was considering to use an escort because I knew that with my introvert personality, lack of social skills I will never find girlfriend.

I got persuaded that it is worth to wait, and now, when I am in middle age without experience... I regret that and hate myself for it. I did try dating apps, I get hobbies, I did focus on finances. This whole nonsense age doesn't matter I absurd lie. I am getting grey, my sex drive is shadow what it was before and it is only getting worse. I also was working extremely hard(focus on money shit advice) and I my body has already few unfixable injuries.

Not everyone will find the right person. And it is stupid to say this cheap Reddit thing "escort won't fix anything", like there isn't fixing from being 36 inexperienced man. Emptiness and lost time is never coming back, best years are gone. And you talking to people like they have infinite time.

submitted by /u/Elijah_1989
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